Hi, and thank you for visiting.
This site isn’t meant to be a vehicle for self promotion so the only thing you need to know about me is that I’ve had some fairly unusual jobs in my time, hence my interest in the subject. While I frequently use the term ‘job’ to describe the work people do as a way to survive I am unsure it’s entirely appropriate as it implies a deliberate choice, established work conditions, fair remuneration and all the other benefits you expect of employment. As you will see isn’t always the case so I hope you’ll bear this in mind.
There are two main reasons why I created this site.
The first is simply that (I believe) it is interesting to see how people make a living, particularly in other countries where the culture, food, religion and numerous other factors are different. I have tried to meet people who are on the periphery; if you’ve travelled then it’s likely you will have seen them but you may not have had the opportunity to meet them or understand what they do. Through this site I hope to introduce you so you can know something of their lives.
The second reason is more abstract but no less important. I spent a number of years living in developing countries and the ingenuity of people never ceases to amaze me. I have noticed that the absence of an established social welfare system creates people with a highly entrepreneurial mindset, they develop an ability to see opportunity in almost any situation and seize it with both hands. I am lucky enough to have the rare privilege of being able to observe this but without any of the pressure of being part of it. Despite what are sometimes difficult conditions the people I’ve encountered have universally been thankful for what they have and highly focused on making the most of whatever opportunity has come their way. This attitude is what I want to share with you, and what my site is intended to celebrate.